Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Tooth Dude Is Coming!

We had a bit of a hard time getting her to smile so we could see her teeth!

In our house you get either the Tooth Fairy, which means you get whatever can be scrounged up in loose change (if she remembers at all), or the Tooth Dude, which means you get a dollar.

(For those of you who might check, yes, I changed the photo. I like this one better.)


Anonymous said...

You know niether the tooth dude or the tooth fairy comes to visit the kids in this country. He (or she) did come to my kids because they are cool. Only the cool kids!

Anonymous said...

peanuty! you are sooooo cute!

Selena said...

Now she can drink with a straw and not even open her mouth! hehe.

andalucy said...

Wow! She looks a lot like Casey to me in this pic.

andalucy said...

When I said she looks like Casey, I didn't even think of the gap-toothed grin! (At least, consciously) Hahaha!