Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Eve 2006

As I've said, New Year's Eve is a party at our house. The photos here are actually of both our party and one that we attended at some friends' before the 9:30 start of the one here. Mal and Lisa danced at both and our friends had the pig and other island food where ours was hors d'oeuvres (or whatever people wanted to bring). Mal caught the cool pictures of firworks lighting up the night. I don't think I've ever seen such a big fireworks display from the houses we can see from here as there was this year! Ours also included the hillbilly band, complete with the washtub bass that Casey and Levi made.


Anonymous said...

I like the firework pictures. I have a setting on my camera for that but mine did'nt come out well at all. Yours are really nice.

Hope you have a great new years!

andalucy said...

looks like a ton of fun! i wish i could go play fiddle for your hillbilly band. but my clothes are not nearly as cool as Unc's.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those firework pics are mine. Copyrighted and everything. I'm just sweet so I let Mum use my highly-sought-after art.