Sunday, November 04, 2007

He Just KILZ Me!

We've had a great week. Thursday was our 27th wedding anniversary and we went "away" for a few days and stayed at a resort here on island. It was so fun--we went kayaking and snorkeling and played at the waterpark...Case said it would make up for all the anniversary dinners we ate at Sam's Club. Actually, I never minded the Sam's Club dinners....

Anyway, his mind must have still been on vacation when he was getting ready for church this morning. I was at the bathroom sink putting on my makeup and he was ironing his white shirt. I heard him get out the spray starch, but I guess I was too focused on what I was doing to notice the irregularity of hearing a mixing bead rattle as he shook the can. The next thing I know Casey's saying, "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Yup. Luckily he noticed that he had sprayed his shirt with KILZ primer before he laid the iron to it--what a mess that would have been! It actually did a pretty good job of sizing the shirt while covering stains at the same time, but the shade was slightly off. It was the only good white shirt he had, so he quickly pulled a blue shirt out of the closet and hurried out the door.

He told some of the guys at church what had happened. When he said that he had accidentally sprayed paint on his shirt one Filipino brother simply asked, "What color?"


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny! MIke and Melody were listening while I read it, and we are cracking up!

Bree Reynolds said...

happy anniversary. we just passed the 10 year mark in june and have a running joke about doug not knowing where my clean clothes go. all chores are evenly distributed except garbage (his job) and laundry (my job by default. what color was the paint? could have been kinda cool in a retro sort of way:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! The paint was white, but kind of yellowish against the shirt....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea to me. He may start a trend. It certainly would save me some money. (hee hee)

Way to go!