Friday, June 24, 2005

Today's My Birthday...

...and I'm forty-hmmmm. Oh okay--seven! I'm forty-seven today, and so far forty-seven is good; all of you lesser ones should look forward to it.

Casey's present to me was that he took the day off from work. Only we who know him well can realize what a special gift that is from him. I remember when Kaitlyn was born he planned on taking two weeks off from work--it turned out to be, maybe, 3 or 4 days. So I love this gift! Right now he's taken the kids down to deliver the older ones to summer youth camp and I'm here alone blogging and listening to some of my favorite tunes courtesy of Limewire. Modern technology can be good when it wants to be!

I let Kaitlyn stay up late last night to help make my birthday cake. When she gets home this afternoon we'll finish it with cherries and whipped cream. Eden met me in the yard when we came home from our morning walk...she was picking flowers "for your birfday". The older kids were horrified when I said that Dad was going to take them to camp today so that I could stay home and get a few things done like the breakfast dishes. They can't imagine a fate worse than dish duty! I used to feel that way too, but as I get older it doesn't bother me. I remember Grammie Boone saying that she really didn't mind doing the dishes and I guess I don't either.

Well, Casey's back and has gone directly into the office to return some phone calls--I guess what he said was that he wasn't going in to work today...


Vasu Chetty said...

Happy Birthday! It's my sister's birthday tomorrow (she's 22) and I'm so glad I could be here for it. My parents both celebrate their 50th birthdays and their 25th wedding anniversary next year and I'll miss them all since I'll be on my mission, but I guess I can't give them a better present then that. And washing dishes can be fun, my Mum taught me early that she didn't like missionaries who didn't offer to wash the dishes, so Dad and I used to do it all the time. As you can see I have way too much time on my hands waiting to go into the MTC, I'm just spending most of my day reading right now. It's fun.

andalucy said...

Happy Birthday, Marilou! Forty-seven is looking pretty dang good.

Sometimes Jorge and I fight over who gets to do the dishes--the alternative is usually putting the kids to bed.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what those two said, doing dishes in no way is "fun"... it may be relaxing, i'll give it that, but that's all i'll give it! i like doing dishes in the evenings because it's nice and quiet and i can sing while i do them.

ML said...

Relaxing is good...